Live Yoga

effectively communicating the idea of flexibility that the product offers.


Effectively communicating the idea of Future Freedom Plus is a fantastic mixture of Protection, Savings and Investment plan clubbed in an ULIP. The USP for the product is that it is the most flexible product around. Generally financial product communications on outdoor are considered bland attracting little or no attention as they are very informative by nature and leaves little scope for innovation. Objective was to communicate the idea of ‘FLEXIBILITY’ of the product in the most compelling way and also generate quick TOM recall.


To convey the core idea, the outdoor ads showed a person in different postures of easies and flexible form of exercise yet the most effective one in Yoga. To expand the core idea and ensure maximum visibility and attention, a dummy of the person doing the asana was erected on mechanised hoarding. The actual performance of the Yogasan, was demonstrated, thus depicting flexibility. The size and look of the dummy was so natural that it was impossible to ingnore and to detect the difference at a first glance by people moving past these installations.

The total mechanized set up was done by motorized movement and complicated use of timers. ( Pl see the video attached). The timing of the movement was synchronized as per real movement and also taking into consideration that attention span on any outdoor media does not last than few seconds.


Though there is no supporting data to demonstrate the effectiveness of the communication, but the fact that people (consumers) traveling on the road gave a second look to the site (which is very rare for any outdoor), and people walking on the streets actually stopped to watch the entire cycle of the asana was a proof of the effectiveness. “