Kementerian Dalam
Otoritas Jasa
Cloud Signature
We’re on a mission to unlock the world’s most valuable asset. Identity.
Imagine a world where confidence flows as fast as data. Distrust doesn’t enter the imagination. Safety is seamless. And instead of eighty different passwords, you need one.
We’re building it.
A brave new world of simplicity and certainty. From a multinational fighting fraud on fourteen borders, to a grandmother in Sulawesi who’s not seen her health records in years.
Your hopes, dreams and ambitions.Verified, endorsed and driven forward.Without limits, divisions or delay.
VIDA. The Future is Verified.
We make it easy for people to prove who they are.
We enable a
world of trust.
World Trade Centre 1, 13th Floor, Jl, Jenderal Sudirman, RT.8/RW.3, Kuningan, Jakarta, DKI Jakarta 12920, ID
13 UF Floor, Raheja Towers, MG Road, Craig Park Layout, Ashok Nagar, Bengaluru, Karnataka 540001, India
24 Old Queen Street, London, Uited Kingdom, SW1H 9HP (Correspondence Address)
Tomlinson Road, #05-01, Singapore 247857